Friday, March 7, 2008


So sorry that I did not get my post done last night. THANK YOU so much for all of the great inspiration. You certainly helped with my blahness.

I will get right to the winner of the RAK...

Congrats NICOLE!
She wrote:

Heather I just found your site... love the crush kit. Just wondering do you/will you have a message board/forum?
February 15, 2008 9:25 AM
(and to answer your question,yes Nicole, we are discussing adding that to the site)

I am in a good mood. Let's do one more. Congrats to JESSICA!
She wrote:
very cool!
March 6, 2008 11:46 AM
Email me your address ladies and I will get your goodies to you: hruwe(at)

In other news...I have been tagged by kendalls mom! I am excited because this is my first time...did I mention I love this blogging thing? :) The rules are to list 7 random things about yourself and tag seven other people. Here we go....
1. I LOVE p.j.'s. When I am at home, I am in my p.j.'s. Even if we go out and come home and I know that we have to go out again later....don't care....I change into p.j.'s!
2. I hate clutter and I love to go through things and get rid of anything and everything we don't "need". I think I am even converting my hubby to throw out stuff (he is, I mean was, a packrat) LOL
3. I have only been on an airplane twice. It was a little over three years ago (I was 24 and never been on a plane!) and it was during our honeymoon. I have not been on one since. I have a fear of flying.
4. I am addicted to the following shows: Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, Extreme Makeover Home Edition (I cry every single time!), MAD t.v., and Hell's Kitchen (wish that was back on already!)
5. I have an ipod and I don't have a clue how to download the songs. (I know, pathetic! lol) I have never taken the time to learn because my son always does it. :) Now if I can just get him to read my camera's manual. lol
6. My parent's 38th wedding anniversary is today. I took them over a card and some Dunkin Donuts this morning. Happy anniversary mom and dad. Love you.
7. I can't cook at all. I have a few dishes that my family seems to enjoy but other than that, I got nothing and I have no desire to learn.
Okay enough about me...I am tagging Jennie, Heather, Maggie, Robyn, Ginger, Susan, and Jenni.

If you emailed me about the kit of the month being sold out and wanting one...I just put up a substitution kit on the site. I wasn't planning on doing one but the response was overwhelming. Thank you to everyone that purchased a kit. Here is a pic of the substitution kit:
You can always email me regarding future kits. I am now starting a wait list to ensure people that have a kit before they sell out.
This is getting to be a super long post. Sorry! I will leave you with some eye candy from my studio. This is what sits on top of my large red cabinet. . .
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.


  1. congrats to the winners!

    you're first time being tagged ... how did you manage that? i have been tagged many times and just pretended i didn't see it! lol! love my pj's too ... and decluttering and tossing stuff!

  2. I love my PJ's, especially on a cold winter day. I have PJs that are just for wearing around the house because they are too hot to sleep in. Thanks for sharing.
    And Laura's been caught skipping on her tags...
