Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Alex!

Today is my stepson's 15th birthday! Wow, does time fly. Ted and I started dating when Alex was 10 and I can honestly say (and proud to say) that Alex and I have a great relationship. You would be surprised how many people say, "I'm so sorry you have a stepchild" and then when they find out that he is a teenager...oh boy, you should see the looks! I know that there is a lot of stereotyping out there when it comes to step children but I have had NO problems that I hear about. Maybe it's because he lives with us full time, maybe it's because he feels he can talk to me, or maybe it is because he is an amazing kid! :) Caution: some bragging is about to happen. lol

Alex is a first honors student, plays sports, has a strong faith for God, so stinkin' talented in general, but especially in the art and music department. He blows me away. (I'm getting teary-eyed just typing this.) He is enriched my life in so many ways and I know that I am supposed to be his guidance/teacher but he is the one who teaches me every single day. The lessons he has taught me....Well, I will take them with me for the rest of my life. So, Alex (I know you read this from time to time) Thank you for being anything but typical. Thank you for being such a wonderful young man. I love you with all my heart. I am a better person because of you. (As your birthday card said) YOU ROCK. :)

So, today I wanted to make his day extra special. So, Ted and I woke him up by singing Happy Birthday to him and serving him breakfast. After breakfast, we decided to let him do his scavenger hunt to find his present. There were 15 clues and it was so fun to see him running around everywhere to finally find a new electric guitar. I followed him around like paparazzi. Here are a few pics of the birthday boy....

Okay, off to bed. I will be back soon with lots of things to share. Thanks for stopping by! One more thing...there is a coupon code here for 30% off at the Bakery to celebrate the Inspired Event. Enjoy!


  1. Happy Birthday to Alex!!

    I think it's GREAT that you have such a good relationship with him!! You're both lucky to have each other!

    The scavenger hunt sounds so fun!!

  2. Heather, you make me teary eyed just reading this!!! You are a great mom and have THE BEST son in the world! From what I have seen, you are right, he Rocks!!!
