Friday, October 24, 2008

Studio Update...

Sorry I haven't posted much. I have been hibernating in my scrap studio trying to finish it! It has been a long process but it is definitely paying off. I am in love with the new paint color. It makes me so happy when I walk in, which I think (well, hope) will get my creative juices flowing. We went HERE last night and got six shelves. Can't wait to start clearing off my work station and loading them up. I'm not ready to share my room quite yet (I think I might do a video of it when I am done) but I thought I would give you a peek at the MM embellishment center I filled today. I am loving this! I think I need one more for the other side of the window....

I really like organizing my flowers by color instead of in one big, glass jar. I hope this will save some time finding the right color. Well, I need to get ready for a scrapbooking day tomorrow with the girls and then a weekend filled with more organizing! Be back soon...

1 comment:

  1. love seeing organizational things! i like how you have all your balls of string up there ... i'm trying to find a decent spot for mine still. and i've been debating storing my flowers by color. i keep them all by the collection they come in ... i end up looking through 5 different jars to get the perfect shade of green. lol!
