Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy....

Got the sweetest comment from Mrs. Vincent the other day from her post HERE. She was so sweet to pass on a blog award to me! So a big thank you goes to her, my new blogging friend. :)

To accept her award, I have to list 10 things that make me happy. Here we go in no particular order....

1. Ted. I've been married to this man for five years and there is not one day that passes that I do not thank God for him or that my heart doesn't race when I see him.....

2. Alex. If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be a step mom to a teenager now, I would have thought you were crazy. lol But he is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I've never known anyone with a bigger heart than his (except his dad, he gets it from him). He teaches me so much every single day, isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I love him so much and I couldn't imagine a day without him in it. He is such a great kid. I am so proud of him.
(Alex and I on Christmas morning last year...still in our p.j.'s and our beagles who are always by our side, little stinkers. lol)
Speaking of Alex....

3. Alex's music. You can view his band's myspace page HERE. It brings me such joy to see him play. Alex is a pretty shy kid and it's an unbelievable feeling to see your child just let it all go and live their passion. I'm always amazed at his talent.
4. Friends and Family. I have the best friends and family. Wonderful parents, great siblings, and a great group of scrappin' friends that get together at least once a month....I am so blessed.

5. Rob Pattinson. No explanation needed. :) hee.

6. Receiving Cards. I love making cards and sending them but when I receive them, I'm giddy. I love seeing them in my mailbox because they seem to make the bills disappear. lol With Christmas right around the corner, I'm seeing more and more. (Already got Jana and Jennifer's Christmas cards...simply gorgeous. thanks girls!)

7. Technology. Because of technology, I have a website, I've met WONDERFUL friends through my blog (like Carla!) and I get to be part of great communities like the Hero Arts Flickr group to just name a few! (the ladies in this group are AMAZING-extremely supportive and encouraging which is so nice to see in this industry.)
Speaking of Hero Arts.....

8. Hero Arts. I think I am transforming into a stamper. I'm purchasing more stamps than I am embellishments lately and the company I just can't get enough of is Hero Arts. Creating with their stamps make me happy. (BTW-THIS makes me happy too!)

9. So You Think You Can Dance. I love this show. Just brings a smile to my face and I can't wait to see who gets the title this season. (I am lovin' Jakob and Ashleigh)

10. Starbucks Hot Chocolate. It has been SO cold and windy here and this is the only thing that can warm me up while running errands. Yum!

So just some random thoughts for today. What makes you happy?


  1. Congrats on your blog award! ;) Love this post--your comments about your family are so sweet!

  2. Awe Heather! You're too sweet! You're a great friend too!
    That's a great list and now I want to make one too!

  3. Nice post! I never know what to say on stuff like that!
