Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pink or Blue?

So I know I've been a slacker on the blog lately but with a REALLY good reason...
Yep. I'm pregnant. With all of our struggles conceiving and a miscarriage, this news has me over the moon. I'm happy to report the baby is doing great. I already saw and heard the heartbeat. I also found out the due date (Feb. 10, 2012) which is the EXACT date we lost the first baby. God is so good. :)

That's all I got for now. Just had to share with all of  you. Gotta go take another nap. Hee.  


  1.!!!!! This is WONDERFUL news, Heather!!! Our God is good! I will continue to keep you and all your intentions in my prayers in the coming days and weeks. I am SO excited for you!

  2. I am so so happy for both you and hubby Heather, this is truly wonderful news and is so meant to be...cannot wait for the arrival of your new little bundle..sending lots of hugs!

  3. Congratulations! I'm very happy to read this. Keep up the good work!

  4. Congrats!!! Happy to hear this.

    Rest well and eat healthy!! May God continue to bless you & your hubby.

  5. Hooray!!! Congratulations. So happy for you. I am pregnant too - mine is due December 4th. Happy days indeed!!!

  6. congratulations! God is good indeed!

  7. Congratulations Heather.Enjoy this phase of your life, its wonderful with a new experience each day.

  8. Huge congratulations, after everything this will be so very special. Take care and enjoy every moment!

  9. BIG Congratulations to you, Heather! This is such a good news and so happy for you and hubby! Take care and enjoy your pregnancy!

  10. Saw this on FB--so happy for you and your family! Keep us updated and take good care! Hugs!!

  11. I havent been over to visit in a while and I am estatic for you to hear the news!!!! Congrats - God bless you & your growing family! God is so good!! I'll be hopping with you in the hop on Friday :D can't wait to see the project you have planned. Hope your day is amazing!

  12. How exciting for you--wishing you a lovely pregnancy and birth!!

  13. Congratulations, that's such wonderful news! I hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy!

  14. Congrats to you and your family!!!
    You are right: GOD IS GOOD!!
