Monday, October 31, 2011

Card for James Update & Winner...

Back in April, Shane and I started Cards for James . THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU WHO SENT IN CARDS. The Overbeck family was so grateful. Here is an update on how James is doing...

"Great news! James had a CT scan and MRI today, all of which were clean and cancer free! He also had blood work collected and the doctor was pleased with all of his numbers. James even gets to stop taking the antibiotic that we've been on for several months. Which (drum roll, please)......means that james takes NO medications now!! James was such a trooper today, he really showed his bravery! The plan was to put him to sleep for the MRI- as we've done for all of the MRI's that he's had in the past. James requested to try the MRI without sedation and felt that he could be really brave and hold as still as a statue for 1 and a half hours to complete the scan. I must admit, we were a somewhat nervous that he'd be able to hold still for that long or to tolerate the loud noises produced by the MRI machine. James never fails to amaze us, and he did it! The nurse wrapped him in a belt and placed shield across his chest. She taped night vision goggles to his face and put big ear phones and a microphone on him. She slid him into the scanner and he watched a movie through the goggles. Mom sat in the MRI room while all of this was happening. The sounds were quite loud- even with earplugs. It was absolutely amazing that he was able to tolerate this for over an hour. I don't know that most adults can tolerate this test without some type of sedative. He did great, even with the poke for his IV. His next scans will be in 3 months. Today Dr. Geller gave us a copy of James' MRI from 12-28-10 (full of nasty tumor) and compared it to his scan from today. The difference is night and day. We realized that today's scan was exactly 10 months from the day that James was diagnosed. It's unreal to think back at all that has been endured in that 10 month time period- and it's amazing to see how well James has recovered thus far from the treatment and surgery. Tonight, James is putting on his halloween costume for a function at school and it is just wonderful to see him being a kid again! James says "Happy Halloween" to you all!"

God is so good. :) Now, the winner of all five Hero Arts prizes go to....


Congrats Judy. Email me with your address so I can send out your goodies. Again, thanks to ALL of you for participating and making this a success. Hugs! Oh, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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