Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Our Christmas Card 2013

So you might be wondering why I've been so quiet lately. Well I have a fun announcement in the beginning of the New Year that I can't wait to share. It is craft related and it will explain my absence from my blog. Been working hard. :)

Until then, I did want to share our Christmas Card that I'm sending out this year. Believe it or not, I was inspired by The Simpsons t.v. show. Yes. I said the Simpsons t.v. show. LOL For those of you that watched it like me growing up, remember the opening scene with Bart writing on the chalkboard as part of his punishment?

I thought it would be fun to create a PDF that fit inside the Lawn Fawn's chalkboard stamp. So with a lot of help from my step-son, I created this...

It says, "I will not be on Santa's naughty list next year." over and over. ;)

Here is a closer look at the chalkboard that I grunged up with white pigment ink to make it look like chalk dust...

The inside reveals a picture of my little guy thinking, "Maybe.". Ha! ...
How's your Christmas cards going? Would love to hear about it.
Thanks for stopping by. Be back soon...

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