Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's a...

Hi friends! Thanks so much for all the great comments on the last post. It was fun reading through your guesses. When Ted and I found out if it was a boy or girl, my mom wanted to throw a dinner for us to gather the family and share the news. I thought it would be fun to make the dessert. I decided on cupcakes that had a special center... 
So when the family bit into the cupcake (all at the same time), they found out the baby is a .....

BOY! :) We are so excited! So, the winner from the last post is ANGIE! Email me with your address so I can send some goodies to you!

Thanks for stopping by and celebrating the big news with us!!!


  1. ACK!!!!!! I hadn't heard yet and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you!!! Hugs and prayers for a comfy and healthy next couple trimesters!

  2. I'm so thrilled for you!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Wishing you an easy & comfortable rest of your pregnancy!! BTW--CUTE way to announce it with the cupcakes!

  3. congratulations! WHat a cute way to share the joy!

  4. Congrats! I am so happy for you two! :> A baby boy will be so fun! And i love the way you told your family! :>

  5. YEA! So excited! I guess right. Boys are awesome if I do say so myself, lol! What a fantastic way to announce the gender! IF I ever get pregnant, I'll have to remember this! Congratulations again Heather!

  6. Congrats again on your baby boy!!! I'm so happy for you and Ted! What a great idea to have the surprise in the middle cupcakes!
