Friday, October 14, 2011

Pink or Blue?...and a prize too!

Ted and I decided to find out the gender of our baby two weeks ago. So I thought it would be fun to have a guessing game here on the blog. So leave a comment if you think its a boy or a girl and I will enter all the correct guesses into a drawing and one person will win some goodies! I will close comments Tuesday morning. Can't wait to read your guesses! ...


  1. I have 2 girls so I am going with a GIRL

  2. How cute are you! I am going with a boy because I have one and he is amazing! LOL! Congratulations again.

  3. Well, I have a boy and a girl - the complete assortment so that won't help me first thought was a boy so that's what I'm going with.

  4. ohh, congrats, either way its a winner! but, for the sake of this little guessing!

  5. ui agree either one will bring you miles of smiles! I'm guessing girl. congrats!

  6. I'm guessing GIRL!!

    Hope you're feeling well!!

    BTW--You don't have to enter my name...I'm just happy for you!!

  7. so happy for you all :)
    Let's go with pink for a girl!
