I love surprises. I love when I receive them but I really like to be the one who surprises someone. I have been known to do some grand surprises like purchasing a truck for my hubby for his birthday without him ever guessing or something as small as waking up Alex a few minutes before his alarm goes off to let him know he can stay at home and play hookey from school. Shhh...don't tell. lol
But today, I am really proud of myself because I have been trying to come up with something to reward Alex with for his AMAZING grades this past year. He always does well in school but this year, every quarter, he received all A's and one B. He received first honors all four quarters and that is not too shabby for a sixteen year old going to a demanding private school.
So Ted and I made up this story saying Ted needed to get some barn wood from Tennessee (a 4 1/2 hour trip away) and Alex had to go with hm b/c he needed help loading it. Alex totally believed it b/c it is something Ted would do. lol Anyway, little did he know he was really going to Nashville for a
GREEN DAY concert! I let them drive a few hours, just called him and told him I needed an number on a piece of paper in the glove compartment and I needed him to read it to me. I wrote on the paper....YOU ARE GOING TO A GREEN DAY CONCERT TONIGHT. He opened the paper and I could hear his smile on the phone! He is so excited and I am so happy that my boys are going to have a nice bonding trip.
My point for sharing this to all of you, is no matter how big or small, go surprise someone today! It will not only make their day but yours too! :)
I can't leave without sharing something creative....

A card I made just for fun. Not for any challenge, if you can believe it. lol See those white dots on the patterned paper on top. I used some liquid pearls to create drops...they look like tiny pearls. So fun!
Thanks for stopping by! Be back soon.....