I've debated if I should share here about some recent events and I've decided to because I need support. I really want this blog to be a "happy" place where you can find inspiration, share, nothing heavy. However, I believe in the power of prayer, and I'm asking for some from you (if you are the praying kind).
My husband and I have tried to have a baby for about six years. It has been a long and frustrating journey. Last month I found out I was pregnant. We were over the moon but decided to hold off on spreading the news since I was already spotting. We had an ultrasound yesterday that confirmed it was an ectopic pregnancy. Over the next few days, I will lose the baby.
Nothing can prepare a person for this. I know I'm not the only one who has struggled with infertility but to be on this roller coaster and then have this as our outcome is heartbreaking.
Another reason for sharing this is I've always been the type of person to struggle alone. I don't want to burden anyone and I've always had the mentality that I can tough it out by myself. I finally realized that I can't. I need support.
So, this is the reason for my break from the blog. I hope to come back to it soon because I love to share but right now I'm not ready.