First, I want to say
THANK YOU to all of my sweet blog readers. Your comments about my last post put a big smile on my face. I could feel the love. :)
All weekend I have been cleaning, purging, and cleaning some more in my studio. I'm determined to get it perfect so I can make a video (or at least pics) to share with you all. I'm excited. Is it just me or when you go through stuff and organize it, it sparks your creativity?? That is what happened last night so I had to take a break and play. Here is the layout I created using some photo booth pics from our Chicago trip...(who would have thought that $5.00 was so well spent. These are my favorite pictures!)
A closer look...
Journaling reads, "Ted and I celebrated our five year anniversary in Chicago. We found a photo booth at Navy Pier and these pictures are my favorite from the trip. Just us slowing down, being silly, having fun, and enjoying each other’s company. A perfect display of our love."
In other random news, I finished the last chapter of this book....

The last book in the Twilight series. Sigh. I'm having withdrawls already. lol It's funny because I read this book SUPER slow so that I could make it last longer. I almost didn't want to read the last chapter but I decided to go ahead since the New Moon movie is coming out this Friday. Stephanie Meyer was on Oprah last week and said there may be a fifth book in th future. I hope so!
Okay, off to get some work done. Have a great Monday!