Thank you for all the get well wishes, I am feeling much better now. More like myself. Anyway, I promised you Day 3 and 4 they are....
The first category is JOURNALING. Here are my examples...(By the way, I am so sorry for the crappy pics. My camera and I are not getting along! lol)
1. Record a simple conversation as your journaling. For this one, I recorded a conversation b/w me and my step-son about how he says he was too "old" to do halloween and I just love looking back on it because it reflects his personality so much and I am so thankful that I got it down. Here is the LO...

The next two challenges I am going to combine b/c I used them both on one layout.
2. Use words from your cards/letters as your journaling. I do this a lot...such an easy journaling jumpstart.
Journal using your own handwriting. I rarely do this...I do not like my handwriting but I understand that it needs to be in my scrapbook every once in awhile. :)

The last challenge in this category is...
4. Tuck your journaling in a pocket or on a tag behind a photo. Here I displayed some of my journaling but hidden in the pocket (on the tag) are words for my hubby's eyes only. This is great when you don't want to share every sentiment with people who flip through the pages of your scrapbook.
The next category is EMBELLISHMENTS. Here are the challenges:
1. Group embellishments together to add "pop" to your project. I love grouping these together not only b/c it is so easy but b/c it is a great tool to draw your reader to your photo....

Use leftover stickers as a mask. I loved this challenge. I only had brown sticker letters and brown on brown did not look good. So, I laid the stickers down. Swiped blue paint over them and once it was dry, I pulled the letters up, creating a mask. So fun...

Use the "oldest" embellishment you own and give it new life by painting, sanding, or altering it in some way. The reason I created this challenge is because I believe that the scrapbook industry is so focused on the new product that a scrapbook "collector" like me, who buys things way faster than I could ever use them, must think of new ways to keep my stash fresh.
*I CAN'T FIND THE PIC FOR THIS ONE....hopefully I will find it soon and I will post it here. :)
4. Use four flowers of any size and color on your next project.

Okay. That is it for tonight. Need to get to bed. Keep those layouts coming. I have so enjoyed looking at all of them! What great talent. See you tomorrow with Day5! Thanks for stoping by. :)
This was just EYE CANDY to me! Love your LO's & the challenges! I agree with you about using the old stuff & that most scrappers are "collecters".
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