Harry Potter Layout: Had to do a layout about him and my hubby going out a little before midnight to get the last book in the series and him finishing it in less than 24 hours!

Halloween Layout: Alex was Lord Voldemort (from Harry Potter) for Halloween last year. The journaling reads... In your own words, "I am getting to old for Halloween and trick-or-treating. This is my last year." Sigh. Let's just enjoy it one more time. Note: My son is VERY mature and I have to force him to be silly sometimes! lol

Here is a Highlights of 2007 Layout: Another part of the class I will be teaching. I went outside my comfort zone and used my own handwriting! That is big for me.
Last, but not least...The Autumn Layout I did: I always force Alex to do a little photo shoot in the fall, my favorite time of year. This year I even got him to be a little silly! lol
Thanks for looking! Also, keep the comments coming. I will do a RAK in February that ALL of the comments will be eligible for!

Hi Heather,
Beautiful layouts!
Sue in Alexandria VA
Man Heather where do I start?? Your LO's are GREAT! I'm reading the Harry Potter books now & those caught my eye...Halloween is one of my favorite fun days & loved all the MM products you used...The fall one of Alex with the pumpkin on his head is another favorite (love those stitched embellies)...Any LO that has a mulitude of pics is a favorite of mine!! I'm more of a multi-pic kind of scrapper & love getting new ideas! TFS!!
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