In this video, I explain some beginner tips focusing on stamping on the shrinky dinks papers. Thanks for watching and please leave a comment and let me know what you think...would love to hear your thoughts!
If you want to watch it at YouTube instead, click HERE.
HERE is the first card shown in the video. This is the second card shown.....

Be back soon...
thanks for the video! i need to pull out my shrinky dink sheets again!
AWESOME video! Your card is gorgeous with the shrinky dinks!I'm inspired to try it again...(my last time was 12 years ago)! Congrats on the HA Twitter!
Your video is GREAT! I love the shrinky dinks on your cards! Fabulous idea! Thanks for the tutorial.
Question: couldn't you flip the right white paper over and colour the image on the other side with Sharpies? Sharpies are solvent like Staz On, which is why they mess up the Staz On image... you could also draw with the Sharpies to make your image.
Great video! Got me excited about shrinky dinks again. Was kind of sick of it after making about 200 pins to sell for a fund raiser a couple years ago. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Heather, your video was so informative! I have sheets of Shrinky Dink from years ago and now I can get them out and use them with new inspiration!
Found this on HA Twitter
This was a great video! Thanks so much for making this...I know I have some of that paper somewhere! I really love the hearts butterfly on the white, cute!
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