Okay, so it's been over a week since I blogged. Huh? Where has the time gone. Sorry to be MIA. I am really trying to blog more often because I love to share and connect with all of you. So as I slow down from all the craziness around here, I thought I'd share a cute picture of my niece, Taylor and her new favorite person in the whole world...
(photo credit-Sandi Neumann..thanks Sandi!)

Yes, some of you may recognize her. That's Kay McGuire, step-daughter of the super sweet Jennifer McGuire. Kay taught a card class for kids last week and I thought it might be fun for Taylor because she is SO much like me when I was her age. Obsessed with anything paper, markers, art. She is so creative and when I asked her to go, she was counting down the days. :)
And what a FABULOUS teacher Kay was. All Taylor has talked about since then is her. When I see her now, the first thing out of her mouth is, "Remember when you took me to that card class and my card teacher Kay...." Yes. She know refers to her as her card teacher Kay. LOL I don't think she will be able to take another class from anyone else. Here's hoping Kay does another class.
Here is a shot Jennifer took during class...
And what a FABULOUS teacher Kay was. All Taylor has talked about since then is her. When I see her now, the first thing out of her mouth is, "Remember when you took me to that card class and my card teacher Kay...." Yes. She know refers to her as her card teacher Kay. LOL I don't think she will be able to take another class from anyone else. Here's hoping Kay does another class.
Here is a shot Jennifer took during class...

That reminds me, Kay and Alex are about the same age....hmmmm ;)
I'll be back soon with some more creative shares. Promise.
So cute! Thanks for sharing this.
omg, that pic is so adorable Heather!!! How cute is it that she took Kay's class???? I almost fell over laughing from the Kay and Alex being the same age comment!
Oh how cool!! Love that she enjoyed the class that much! And I bet she's Kay's #1 fan!!
How fun! Your niece is adorable! :)
How cute. I'm sure she had a great mentor teaching her.
This is Kay! Thanks so much for writing this, I loved reading this. I'm glad that she had fun!
wait... who's about my age??? ;)
That was a nice write up and cute pictures. I would sign up my granddaughters if we lived closer. Kay's comment was so cute also!
Oh my daughter had a great time too. Kay is the best teacher for these children.
Sandi N.
Ah okay NOW I know who's my age :P
I am, in fact teaching another class! This is pretty exciting for me :)
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