It's been a week already?? Wow. Time is really flying. Thought I would jump on to answer your questions but first I thought I would share the card I made for my Dad on Father's Day (since I have been meaning to since the 15th!) Sorry for the bad pic but you get the idea....

I sanded the chocolate brown cardstock and the last circle I used a clear pebble on top to highlight the NO.1 Dad. On the inside the card was this....

A vintage map of our area from 1967/1968. Anyone who knows my dad knows he loves maps. He is funny like that and when I gave this to him (along with his McDonald's gift card), you would think I gave him a million bucks. He is not into material things, I love that about him but it makes him hard to shop for! :)
Okay, time for Q & A...
Laura asked.... "What are the 5 things that you CANNOT scrap without?" Great question!
Well, I am going to cheat a little! lol I am going to say that the obvious things like my 12x12 trimmer, adhesive, and scissors don't count. hee hee So, after that my list is:
1. String...thanks to Robyn, I am officially obsessed with tying string on a project for that finishing touch.
2. Buttons....LOVE them. I have a rainbow assortment in my studio and I use them on 90% on my projects. So fun.
3. Pop Dots...thanks to Jennifer for showing me the way! :) I am loving the shadow that they create.
4. Stamps...I was not a stamper in the beginning but now, I use them very often. They are great for making patterned paper.
5. Brads...I think I might have a problem with Brads! lol I have way too many but again, they give a nice finished touch.
Now, Sara's question..."How do you organize your albums? By events? Or by date?"
Another great question! Well Sara, I am in the process of organizing albums and as soon as I am done, I will post pics! I mostly organize my albums by date. It's just easier for me. However, I do have some mini albums that are usually done by event. I also was buying all kind of albums....a sophisticated one for the family, a camo one for my son, etc. but recently I decided to buy the American Crafts binder albums to give a more unified look on a shelf. Again, I will post pics soon.
Thanks for the question girls! Now, I have a question for sister (Melissa) is having surgery tomorrow and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for something fun I can take to her house tomorrow to make her feel better. I am going to bring some scrapbooking magazines and probably make some dinner for her and her hubby but any additional ideas would be great. Oh, and if you can say a little prayer for her or keep her in your thoughts, I would appreciate it.
I'll be back soon with some Bakery related stuff. Thanks for stopping by and reading this long post! :) Have a great night.