just not for me. lol A friend of my mom's is going through the adoption process and asked me to create a few pages for a book to show potential birth mothers. I had to keep it simple but I do like how they turned out. Here are a few of the pages to prove that I do scrapbook still:

These pages made me realize how much I miss the 8 1/2 x 11 size. I might have to make a few of those for my book. :) Is is just me or is the 12x12 size a little scary sometimes? lol
These pages also made me realize how much Ted and I need to get going on our own process of adopting. Ted and I always have wanted to adopt and we really need to just sit down and get going on all of the research. I think adoption is amazing thing. If you know anyone that has adopted, please tell them to EMAIL ME. I would love to get some questions answered and chit chat! And even though Ted and I (okay, well more me then him LOL) are "reproductively challenged" (did anyone else know that line from Charlotte in Sex and the City? Love that!) we are still planning on adopting even if we have children of our own.
Okay, I know I am blabbering ...boring right? lol
Let's see...what else?
Since my Cricut was out for J.T.'s banner (see last post) I decided to cut some vinyl. I got some from Hobby Lobby and decided to cut some to put up on our wall in the kitchen. I decided to do our last name and maybe later an "established 2004" underneath....ignore the curling of the letters...it was in a roll....

Consider this a "Before" picture. I will show you the "After" very soon.
Thanks for reading. Be back Thursday....