So sorry that I did not get my post done last night. THANK YOU so much for all of the great inspiration. You certainly helped with my blahness.
I will get right to the winner of the RAK...
Congrats NICOLE!
She wrote:
Heather I just found your site... love the crush kit. Just wondering do you/will you have a message board/forum?
February 15, 2008 9:25 AM
(and to answer your question,yes Nicole, we are discussing adding that to the site)
I am in a good mood. Let's do one more. Congrats to JESSICA!
She wrote:
very cool!
March 6, 2008 11:46 AM
Email me your address ladies and I will get your goodies to you: hruwe(at)
In other news...I have been tagged by
kendalls mom! I am excited because this is my first time...did I mention I love this blogging thing? :) The rules are to list 7 random things about yourself and tag seven other people. Here we go....
1. I LOVE p.j.'s. When I am at home, I am in my p.j.'s. Even if we go out and come home and I know that we have to go out again later....don't care....I change into p.j.'s!
2. I hate clutter and I love to go through things and get rid of anything and everything we don't "need". I think I am even converting my hubby to throw out stuff (he is, I mean was, a packrat) LOL
3. I have only been on an airplane twice. It was a little over three years ago (I was 24 and never been on a plane!) and it was during our honeymoon. I have not been on one since. I have a fear of flying.
4. I am addicted to the following shows: Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, Extreme Makeover Home Edition (I cry every single time!), MAD t.v., and Hell's Kitchen (wish that was back on already!)
5. I have an ipod and I don't have a clue how to download the songs. (I know, pathetic! lol) I have never taken the time to learn because my son always does it. :) Now if I can just get him to read my camera's manual. lol
6. My parent's 38th wedding anniversary is today. I took them over a card and some Dunkin Donuts this morning. Happy anniversary mom and dad. Love you.
7. I can't cook at all. I have a few dishes that my family seems to enjoy but other than that, I got nothing and I have no desire to learn.
If you emailed me about the kit of the month being sold out and wanting one...I just put up a substitution kit on the site. I wasn't planning on doing one but the response was overwhelming. Thank you to everyone that purchased a kit. Here is a pic of the substitution kit:

You can always email me regarding future kits. I am now starting a wait list to ensure people that have a kit before they sell out.
This is getting to be a super long post. Sorry! I will leave you with some eye candy from my studio. This is what sits on top of my large red cabinet. . .

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.